An interactive experiencethat brews brand connection.
An interactive experiencethat brews brand connection.
Creative Director
Throughout the year, Starbucks launches several seasonal campaigns, featuring new beverages, drinks, promotions, and products but, as consumers, we saw there was no digital tool to keep customers & partners up-to-date with product offers, new launches, or reward opportunities unless you visit the store or the website.
My partner & I approached Starbucks with a delicious idea: a unique app that works as a game, that allows you to be part of the barista experience while showcasing products and also taking advantage of social media, driving business to the local stores, providing time & cost-effective scalability and mobile product launch capabilities, all in one.
Creating Mobile Magic
One of my first projects at the agency. I meet the regional marketing director by chance while having a flat white. It took 6 months until we had the chance to pitch the idea. Our focus was to expand the store experience where customers are. Starbucks said yes on-site before we finish the pitch.
Brewing Revenue
This was one of the first digital mobile initiatives in the region since the company started back in 2008. After the app launch, the Q4 revenues were Up 31% to the previous numbers and Comparable Store Sales growth to an impressive 17% in the market, signaling a key moment in Starbucks' digital expansion in the region*
*Source: Alsea Earnings Release 2013
An experience to go
Something fun to play, learn, share and enjoy. Customers can create selected Starbucks® holiday beverages. Baristas can decorate the cup, add holiday cheers, win some cool products and complimentary seasonal products and also write a personalized card attached. The app became an instant success among fans, partners, and social media. Kuddos to my agency partner Ariel Chanson, a real genius, that leads the innovation & development department, and thank God fidelity, for opening the doors for us.