The Ben 10 franchise has received widespread acclaim, winning three Emmy Awards, and grossed over $6 billion in retail sales worldwide in its thirteen years run, becoming Cartoon Network’s longest-running franchise to date. The series premiered on CN in December 2005. This was a massive marketing strategy and I was responsible to create the visual style of all the materials to support that strategy for On-Air, Off-channel and online with more than 100 different exclusive pieces, that later regional marketing teams will use to promote and license. It was Epic.
Ben10 everywhere. This massive roll-out involved hundreds of pieces, from PR to full media kits, trade ads, billboards and street posters. Even bus wrappings, mall signage and live events in several countries as well as licensing style guides for consumer products, on-air and retail. And imagine that social media at that time was just starting. Also, I created backgrounds, character poses and promotional key art for licensing.