Portfolio Designer

Erik Lund™
Visual Designer
based in Malmö

Design — Development — Strategy —

02 / About Me

I believe in the power of brand — to shift mindsets, create markets, inspire innovation, and unleash movements. Every day, i work alongside visionary leaders and innovators who share our beliefs. I'm a team leader of award-winning strategists, creatives, designers, developers, writers, illustrators, animators + producers who build brands for the digital age. I specialize in bringing digital identities into the real world.

03 / Awards & Recognition

9 x Site of the Day Awwwards
8 x Site of the Day CSS Design Awards
4 x Site Inspire Award
2 x FWA Award
2 x Site of the Month Awwwards

Portfolio Titles

Portfolio Illustrator


I'm an award-winning digital illustrator

Hi, I am a freelance Illustrator currently working in New York. I create bright and minimal illustrations and create work by using traditional and digital media. Skydiver, ramen eater, ukulelist, Mad Men fan and brand builder. Doing at the intersection of beauty and sustainability to answer design problems with honest solutions. Making at the sweet spot between aesthetics and purpose to craft an inspiring, compelling and authentic brand narrative. I’m fueled by craft beer, hip-hop and tortilla chips. Working at the junction of beauty and elegance to create strong.

Portfolio Studio

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